Modern plastic surgery methods find a simple solution – areola reduction as a separate procedure or in combination with breast modelling or enlargement.
Many women are worried about the size of areolas of their breasts. Genetic dispositions, pregnancy and breastfeeding, periods of hormonal changes in menopause or even excessive breast size, asymmetry or the consequences of injuries can all affect the psychological aspect and dissatisfaction with appearance of their breasts.
Modern plastic surgery methods find a simple solution – areola reduction as a separate procedure or in combination with breast modelling or enlargement.
Areola reduction is performed in local or general anaesthesia; if the surgery is combined with breasts reduction, enlargement or modelling, it takes approximately 1.5-2 hours. The areolas are surgically adjusted, excess skin is removed around the edges and the wounds are sewn with absorbable stitches, eliminating the need to remove the stitches afterwards. A less visible scar remains around the circumference of the areolas.
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After areola reduction surgery, the wound is covered with a sterile patch and gauze for approximately 14 days. Disinfection then takes place every other day to avoid infection (only on the surface). After 2 weeks, the gauze with the patch is removed, the breasts can be washed and pressure massages are recommended to reduce scar formation and achieve scar fading. It’s recommended to lubricate the area with moisturising creams. After a few days, the patient may return to her normal working process. Physical strain is allowed around 3 weeks after surgery.
Although unsightly areolas are a seemingly small aesthetic problem for some, areola reduction helps women improve their appearance and increases their self-esteem.
At the Premier Clinic, we only have premium equipment. We are the only clinic in the Czech Republic, who use the unique German-made HEYER anaesthesia unit, which allows for fully digital anaesthesia administration. Therefore, all of our anaesthesia is performed by the so-called low-flow anaesthesia with premium anaesthetic gas. It means that waking up is far easier for the client and the unpleasant effects of anaesthesia are virtually eliminated.
Areola reduction is performed in local or general anaesthesia; if the surgery is combined with breasts reduction, enlargement or modelling, it takes approximately 1.5-2 hours. The areolas are surgically adjusted, excess skin is removed around the edges and the wounds are sewn with absorbable stitches, eliminating the need to remove the stitches afterwards. A less visible scar remains around the circumference of the areolas.
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