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Venules removal (removal of small veins)

Removal of venules, vessels, telangiectasia on the face, body or lower limbs.

Price from:

30 €



Outpatient procedure






Local anesthetics



15 min



0 days

About the procedure

Removal of venules, vessels, telangiectasia on the face, body or lower limbs is carried out simply with an IPL laser or a special radiofrequency device using the Smart Cure applicator. Due to ageing, when elastin fibres are weakened in the skin and the body loses its elasticity, based on genetic predispositions, hormonal changes, high blood pressure, alternation of very high or low temperatures, frequent exposure to sunlight, the red or blue-violet venules may show through the skin and these trouble a large part of the population.

What are venules?

In the case of an insufficient and weakened venous system, ugly cracks, spider-like telangiectasia or naevuses, which are grouped under the upper epidermis are formed on certain parts of the body – mainly on the face (so-called couperose) or in the subcutaneous areas. Venules removal is also advisable for preventive reasons to avoid chronic conditions with a heavier course of treatment.

What is best for removing venules

Venules, vessels, telangiectasia or couperose can be removed effectively using SECRET microneedle radiofrequency using bipolar radiofrequency or with the medical IPL AureliA. It doesn’t matter if there are aesthetic reasons or you have predispositions for developing a hypersensitive skin condition with characteristic itching, redness or hypersensitivity, etc. Removal of venules and vessels can be done on almost every phototype and on all parts of the body. The modern method uses a combination of intense heat discharge along with radiofrequency waves, stimulating surface tissue with a targeted range without penetrating into the lower epidermis. It replaces other laser treatments effectively.

Benefits of the procedure

  • checkThe removal of venules visibly improves skin condition.
  • checkVisible effect with a long-lasting result
  • checkExclusive premium medical devices
  • checkA painless fast day-care procedure
  • checkUncompromising effect in the fight against venules
  • checkTreatments can be performed on the entire body
  • checkUnification and smoothing of the skin
  • checkNo need for hospitalisation
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The course of treatment

Venules removal is a day-care procedure without anaesthesia, using an anaesthetic cream. Laser beams penetrate the surface skin tissue with the desired radiofrequency energy without damaging the dermis. Under the action of light energy, haemoglobin is absorbed, followed by thermal warming and venule elimination. The procedure is painless, takes around half an hour and after the treatment, the patient returns to everyday life without any limitations.
For better results, it’s advisable to repeat the procedure several times, each session done after a month and it can be combined with facial photo-rejuvenation.

Before the procedure

To eliminate venules, vessels or naevuses, the removal of venules using the high quality lasers is safe and gentle. However, it still has the following limitations:

– Inflammation, acute infection and bacterial dermatitis
– Tumour diseases
– Pregnancy or breastfeeding
– Allergies or autoimmune diseases
– Diabetes
– Epilepsy
– Vascular diseases, varicose veins and thrombosis
– Cardiac problems

After the procedure

After removing the venule, the skin may experience redness or small swellings for several hours; however, they will disappear in a short time. We recommend cooling the treated site and lubricating it with a high-quality moisturising cream. After venules removal, you should avoid direct sunlight for approximately 2 months; it’s necessary to protect the skin with a high-quality sunscreen with a high PH factor. After the removal of venule and vessel, your appearance visibly improves after about 5 weeks.

Beautiful and rejuvenated skin cheers everyone up and us too of course, if we can help you. You’re not the only one that is troubled by enlarged venules or telangiectasia, just look around. Venules removal is not only aesthetic but also psychological or preventive.

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na zákroky:

dermatologie / gynekologie / ortodoncie
