Vaginoplasty strengthens, improves and models the shape of the vagina to match the original anatomical condition, restores the vaginal structure, increases self-confidence and rejuvenates intimate parts of the body.
Vaginoplasty or vaginal plastic surgery (the so-called vaginal facelift, improvement in the appearance of the vaginal area) is increasingly more sought after by women with regard to adjustment of their genitals. In the same way as adjusting their breasts or nose, today you can also adjust the vaginal entrance efficiently, or narrow the vagina as a whole.
Vaginoplasty strengthens, improves and models the shape of the vagina to match the original anatomical condition, restores the vaginal structure, increases self-confidence and rejuvenates the intimate parts of the body.
Often, due giving vaginal births, menopause or due to aging with a loss of elasticity, there is weakening or reduction of the vaginal wall, which may result in stress incontinence (insufficient urinary retention), worsening of sex life, and increased sensitivity in the vaginal area. The vaginoplasty surgical procedure is ideal for solving these problems and also contributes to strengthening the weakened pelvic floor including the perineum. Vaginoplasty is also sometimes chosen after considerable weight loss, where the vaginal entry, including soft tissues and muscles, has become loose.
Vaginoplasty is only suitable for adult women.
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Vaginoplasty has both a psychological, aesthetic and medical aspect. Improving and intensifying intimate experiences will enhance the quality of your sex life. Nowadays, vaginoplasty is an efficient aesthetic and gynaecological surgery with good tolerability and positive results. The surgery can be combined with other aesthetic and vaginal procedures.
Alternatively, this procedure can also be combined with vaginal rejuvenation, i.e. narrowing of the vagina after giving birth or to reduce effects of aging, etc. We use the premium CO2 gynaecological laser FRAXIS with the Gynolaser applicator for the so-called vaginal rejuvenation. Laser treatment by Gynolaser is also suitable for treatment of stress incontinence.
Vaginoplasty is a procedure requiring general anaesthesia, including hospitalisation for 1-2 days, or it can be done by local anaesthesia. Vaginoplasty takes from approximately 45 minutes to an hour. First of all, excessive and unsightly scars in the vaginal area are removed (consequence of giving birth), then the vaginal mucosa including the muscles is cut, tightened and sutured with absorbable stitches in order to properly reconstruct and narrow it. If vaginoplasty was performed with local anaesthesia, the patient can go home after a little sleep in one of the recovery rooms, with instructions for home care.
Vaginoplasty effectively eliminates postpartum vaginal defects, as well as effects of natural aging, helping women to improve their sex life. It’s advisable to restrict smoking before the procedure. A healthy patient and pre-surgery examination is required. If vaginoplasty is to be performed postpartum, the woman should wait for at least 6 months after giving birth, so that the vaginal area is already healed.
It is important to know that vaginoplasty isn’t recommended for pregnant women.
In the first days, the woman can experience pain and swelling in the treated area. It’s possible to use analgesics or to cool down the treated area with ice. Increased intimate hygiene and washing with cold water several times a day are also important. It’s also advisable to be in rest mode for approximately 10 days without increased physical effort and sports. We don’t recommend visiting swimming pools or saunas, but we do recommend showering. The check-up should take place around 2 weeks after surgery, at which time the stitches are usually already absorbed. However, it’s possible to return to work already within a week after the procedure.
Vaginoplasty is of great importance for a woman, as strengthening and reducing the size of the vagina intensifies sexual experience, and partly helps in stress incontinence treatment. Convalescence can take up to 4 weeks, according to individual disposition and healing; sexual contact is recommended 4-6 weeks after surgery because of possible infection.
Every woman should take care of her intimate parts, as she takes care of and cleanses her face or other areas of her body, because the intimate parts fulfil an aesthetic, health and sexual role in her life. That is important. Age, giving birth, genetic disposition can all change the appearance. Don’t hesitate to come to us, in order to live a high-quality full-fledged life and to have sufficient self-confidence. Vaginoplasty fixes what’s loose and what doesn’t work properly.
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