We use several methods to remove scars and stretch-marks – CO2 laser, microneedle radiofrequency, and corticosteroid injections.
Today, scars and stretch-marks can be effectively removed or lightened using state-of-the-art medical instrumentation – SECRET microneedle radiofrequency, fractional high-performance CO2 FRAXIS laser or a medical IPL device (intense pulsed light) by AureliA. They’re able to remove stretch-marks that are caused by a skin tissue disorder with a subsequent thinning of the skin and creation of striae (stretch-marks), for example, tension of the skin in the case of overweight, pregnancy, hormonal changes in adolescence or endocrine disease (Cushing’s syndrome), etc. Acne scars or scars from injuries can also be effectively removed.
Scars and stretch-marks can be removed from almost every part of the body for any skin phototype. Microneedle radiofrequency is ideal for removing scars and stretch-marks for its effective action on old or previously treated stretch-marks and scars, reducing skin inequalities as well as making them smaller. Unlike other radiofrequency treatments, which are often painful, this advanced method is able to control the power of thermal energy effectively to a precise depth without risk and damage. The microneedles act on the deeper layers of the epidermis, where they act effectively on the collagen and elastin fibres, resulting in tightening and subsequently reducing and lightening scars or stretch-marks. Alternatively, the procedure can be performed by the fractional CO2 FRAXIS laser treatment. Laser treatment is also used if, for example, the scar is highly pigmented. Use of the FRAXIS laser is also suitable for the so-called grinding of a given scar (if it’s protruding or hypertrophic). For better efficacy, it’s advisable to repeat the procedure three times with interval of 4–6 weeks.
Stretch-marks aren’t just problematic for women, they’re also troublesome for men. Elastin, which keeps the skin elasticity, becomes disrupted due to changes in hormonal levels or body shape, resulting in cracks under the skin’s surface. These are so-called elongated scars, which are pinkish to red at first, then lighten and create a tiny recess on the skin. Most often, they are present on problematic parts of the body such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks and women’s breasts, as well as men’s shoulders or arms. However, it’s a skin reaction, not a disease. In addition to stretch-marks, many patients are troubled with various scars, such as acne or keloid (clusters of scarring) or hypertrophic (protruding). Whether it’s from an aesthetic point of view or your predisposition for scar formation is of genetic character or they’re simply located in an area where you have trouble, such scars and stretch-marks, they can be corrected or removed effectively.
This is a day-care, mini-invasive procedure. When removing scars and stretch-marks, releasing a thermal energy – radiofrequency wave penetrates into subcutaneous collagen fibres using microneedles. By heating the skin ligamentous fibres, the renewal process of collagen and elastin starts without damaging the dermal surface, while the regeneration process begins in the subcutaneous area, improving the skin’s appearance and unifying the surface. Scar and stretch-mark removal using microneedle radiofrequency is successful up to 90% of the time, depending on the size of the treated area, the genetic predispositions and the quality of skin cells. To reduce pigment stretch-marks, reduce acne and scars, this highly-effective, safe and painless treatment with the AureliA medical device can be used as well. The principle is in the combined use of intense heat discharge along with radiofrequency waves, which leads to the stimulation of surface and deeper tissues without penetrating into the pigment. It replaces other laser treatments more effectively.
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Removal of scars and stretch-marks using microneedle radiofrequency dramatically improves the skin condition and in addition, effectively fights against white stretch-marks. Today, this aesthetic medicine method is sought for its safety, without the need for surgical intervention. The procedure can be combined with other aesthetic treatments, including scar and stretch-mark removal, IPL and AureliA radiofrequency or the fractional FRAXIS laser.
Our Plastic Surgery Clinic offers the most effective method of stretch-mark reduction – the SECRET microneedle radiofrequency. As the only technology, it’s also effective on white stretch-marks.
Managed by Juraj Payer MD, PhD, a sought-after plastic surgeon
Every procedure should always be consulted with the attending physician who will discuss and propose an optimal and effective solution with you and assess a patient’s eligibility for the given procedure. If you choose to undergo the scar and stretch-mark removal procedure, it’s necessary to protect your skin from sunlight with high-quality, highly-protective creams for about 3 weeks before the procedure. In the case of treatment of scars and stretch-marks with a fractional CO2 FRAXIS laser, it’s necessary to limit exposure to UV radiation before and after treatment for at least 3 months.
To improve the skin surface, eliminate or reduce scars, new and old stretch-marks, removing scars and stretch-marks using the best medical equipment is safe and gentle for you. Although, even here, it has its limitations.
After treatment with the SECRET Microneedle Radiofrequency, the skin may experience redness for about 2 days; it disappears itself. In the case treatment of scars and stretch-marks with the fractional CO2 FRAXIS laser, the healing takes longer period of time, approximately 7–14 days. We recommend lubricating the treated areas with a quality moisturising cream to avoid skin drying. After the procedure, you should avoid direct sunlight for about 3 months and it’s also necessary to protect the skin with a high-quality sunscreen with a high PH factor.
After removing scars and stretch-marks, the look will improve. Absolutely unique result can be seen immediately after the first treatment, especially in the case of acne scars, skin irregularities and stretch-marks.
Beautiful and healthy skin is a dream of every one of us and is proof that you take care of yourself. However, some cosmetic skin defects may be due to genetics, the inability to produce collagen and elastin fibres for a more flexible and smoother skin. So, if you have experienced any unsightly stretch-marks or you’re troubled with scars of any kind, please, give us a chance to take care of them. Removal of scars and stretch-marks is painless and you’ll have beautiful skin!
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