Any problem with auricles, whether protruding, deformed or asymmetrical, can be solved successfully with ear surgery or otoplasty.
This is a day-care procedure that we recommend performing on children from 5 years of age from a psychological point of view, preferably under general anaesthesia; at a later age and in the old age, local anaesthesia is sufficient. Of course, the procedure can be performed under general anaesthesia or analgosedation upon the client’s request. Of course, always in agreement with a physician. It’s good to know that the procedure is done at both ear sides usually because of balance.
The procedure takes about an hour, a little longer in the case of a more complicated procedure. It’s the most common procedure especially for children, who find it very difficult to cope with derisive reactions of their surroundings, mainly from other children.
If you undergo ear surgery – otoplasty, it’s possible to combine it with other aesthetic or surgical procedures, such as rhinoplasty, lip modification, abdominoplasty or tumescent liposuction, etc.
Any problem with auricles, whether protruding, deformed or asymmetrical, can be solved successfully with ear surgery or otoplasty. It’s an aesthetic problem that a large part of the population is confronted with and it’s congenital. Most often, the treatment is done so that the auricles fit closely to the head, the so-called displacement and in addition, otoplasty also helps effectively in the remodelling and correction of the various deviations, for example, after injury and in the case of the auricles lack of development after birth or failed surgery, etc. It’s not only the eyes, lips or nose, but the ears can also create physiognomy of the face and often, they’re not given as much attention as they should.
By the way, do you know that the auricle is one of the most complex organs on the body and that its correct angle is between 20-40% of the head?
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+420 273 136 126
In addition to the aesthetic and psychological point of view, otoplasty, is the only procedure able to modify protruding auricles, their shape, including deformations, asymmetry and position – to boost self-confidence. The result of otoplasty is permanent and in the case of dissatisfaction with result or shape, it can be repeated after one year.
If you undergo ear surgery – otoplasty, it’s possible to combine it with other aesthetic or surgical procedures, such as rhinoplasty, lip modification, abdominoplasty and tumescent liposuction, etc.
This is a day-care procedure carried out under local anaesthesia, analgosedation or general anaesthesia (in such case, hospitalisation is required). The incision is preferred in locations in the bend between the auricle and the area behind the ears so that the resulting scar isn’t visible. During the procedure the cartilage position is adjusted, which can be ground as necessary; the shape of both auricles is checked and corrected so that the both sides are symmetrical. The treated area is then tightened, stitched with absorbable stitches and fixed with a special dressing material.
It’s always advisable to consult the suitability of auricle surgery with the attending physician, who will discuss the procedure course and propose an optimal solution for a natural result. At least one week before the treatment, acetylsalicylic acid-based medications, such as Acylpirin, Aspirin, should not be used to reduce blood clotting.
After the procedure, swelling and pain may occur and the physician will prescribe the appropriate medication. Dry icing is desirable. All these unpleasant feelings will subside within 14 days or so. Initially, the treated site is protected with a solid bandage, which is replaced with an elasticated headband after several changes of bandage and after few days it’s necessary to wear this headband constantly, even at night. For the first week, sleeping on the back is advisable.
Restrictions after otoplasty include a resting regimen for a week, preferably in work incapacity, 2 weeks without sporting activity and the same applies to washing the head, including hair dye in order to avoid infection. Exposure to direct sunlight and staying in cold places are not recommended. If stiches were used, removal is expected approximately 10 days after the procedure, otherwise it isn’t necessary.
Convalescence depends on the patient’s eligibility for healing, correctly following the post-operative guidelines and the organism’s own ability to cope with it.
The effect is immediate, but the final result is visible after 3 months – it’s permanent and the re-surgery is only necessary in rare cases, but not earlier than a year after everything has healed.
Every treatment on your body means a change that you need to get used to and become accustomed to. This is doubly true in the case of auricle surgery as it gives your face a new expression. If you choose otoplasty, the reasons are often aesthetic, so the result will boost your confidence.
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