Several methods are used for this. One of these methods is a silicone lip implant (PermaLip), lipofilling (transfer of adipose tissue from the subcutis), volume supplementation using the hyaluronic acid injection method, which are only temporary lip augmentation methods or permanent surgical lip augmentation.
Lip augmentation is a method, whereby we are able to model the lips to a desired shape by increasing the volume and gaining a fuller and more sensual lip appearance.
Several methods are used for this. One of these methods is a silicone lip implant (PermaLip), lipofilling (transfer of adipose tissue from the subcutis), volume supplementation using the hyaluronic acid injection method, which are only temporary lip augmentation methods, or permanent surgical lip augmentation.
The PermaLip implant is ideal for modelling thin, asymmetrical lips; temporary filling of volumes with hyaluronic acid-based fillers or fillings with own fat are gradually absorbed and must be repeated after approximately 12 months
A permanent solution for lip augmentation is achieved surgically.
Dissatisfaction with the lip size is part of the standard requirements of many patients. They are predominantly thin or disparate lips, but always, it’s for aesthetic reasons.
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MUDr. Jana Votrubová – Specialist in lip augmentation and the application of other filler materials.
Lip augmentation is a day-care procedure under local or general anaesthesia. If carried out under general anaesthesia, a one-day hospitalisation period is required. Small incisions are performed on the inside of the lips ion a few areas, the tissue is lifted, moved and stitched. The whole procedure takes around half an hour, depending on the treated area. The treatment can be combined with some aesthetic procedures, including the procedures involving a laser.
Due to the fact that lip augmentation takes place on the inside, there are no subsequent scars.
The procedure is well tolerated, however patients should be healthy. Prior to the lip augmentation procedure, it isn’t advisable to take acetylsalicylic acid-based medications or painkillers for about a week.
After the lip augmentation procedure, the lips may be sensitive, with swelling for up to a week. We recommend cooling the treated area and eat liquid food for several days. Oral hygiene, rinsing with chamomile solution or disinfectant mouthwash are also important after a meal. After 2 weeks, pressurized massages are recommended according to the physician’s instructions. Physical load is appropriate after about 5 days, normal activity can resume the next day. It isn’t necessary to remove stitches if absorbable stitches have been used.
With other lip augmentation methods, the postoperative procedure is the same, but it’s never advisable to massage the lips with force, just lightly. If lip augmentation has been performed with your own fat, the area where it was removed has to be protected with patch and must not be washed with water for about 4 days.
The aesthetic sensual lips trend is a common solution among women. However, if nature gave you thin lips and a stern or strict look, then lip augmentation is an ideal solution for you.
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