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Laser eyelid surgery

Laser eyelid surgery is either an out-patient surgery or surgery by general anaesthesia using gentle low-flow anaesthesia.

Price from:

563 €



Outpatient procedure



Plastic surgery



Local or general anesthesia



60 min



14 days

About the procedure

Eyelid surgery with a CO2 laser focuses on the lower eyelids, unsightly fatty bags under the eyes, mimic wrinkles, brightening expression, rejuvenation and strengthening.

Eyes are the most distinctive part of the face where aging is most noticeable. Due to aging, the periorbital (eyelid) area loses its elasticity, the muscles are weakened – as the eyelid area has very thin skin exposed to unwanted symptoms such as wrinkles, flaccid skin, dark circles or unsightly bags under the eyes. Genetic disposition also plays an important role. These problems can be solved effectively with eyelid surgery by means of a top-quality medically certified CO2 laser.

For whom and why eyelid surgery is appropriate

Laser eyelid surgery affects both appearance and to a certain extent improves the proper movement function of the eyelids. Laser treatment also strengthens the muscles around the eyes, increases the production of collagen and elastin in the weakened area, and also helps remove swelling, excessive eye watering, increased eye strain, and often effectively reduces headaches. Laser eyelid surgery is intended for both men and women to gain a rejuvenated, smoother and healthier eye area. The procedure can be combined with botulinum toxin application, upper eyelid surgery, facelift, and the like.

Benefits of the procedure

Besides the aesthetic aspect, eyelid surgery also has a preventative effect, as it helps to prevent some health problems, including visual ones. Depending on the individual healing capacity and the genetic capacity to maintain elasticity, the procedure is long-lasting, but it can be repeated as needed. The advantage of laser surgery over normal surgery is a shorter time period, less pain and bleeding, faster healing, and almost no scars.

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    Our clinic brings a novelty presented under the name of Madonna Eye Lift (an alternative to a surgical solution) - with the use of a modern, special, innovative fractional CO2 laser, it reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the eye area, raising the eyebrows including eyelids, removing dark circles under the eyes, strengthening the skin, and therefore improving and rejuvenating the eye expression (in a non-invasive way).

    The course of treatment

    Laser eyelid surgery is performed either as an outpatient procedure or by general anaesthesia using the high-quality HEYER anaesthesia device from Germany. First of all, spots for removal or adjustments are delineated on the inner part of the eyelids. The laser beam is directed inside the arc of the lower eyelid, i.e. transconjunctivally, meaning through the conjunctival mucosa, where the excess fat tissue together with the pulled-out skin is removed. There is no need for stitching, only eye ointment is used and the treated eye is covered with a special patch.

    Combined adjustment of the upper and lower eyelids may take place on the same day. Lower eyelid surgery by laser takes approximately 30-45 minutes. 1-day hospitalisation is required after laser surgery.

    Before the procedure

    It isn’t recommended to use medicines with acetylsalicylic acid, which may reduce blood clotting, for at least 2 weeks before laser eyelid surgery. In order for the procedure to be performed, it’s necessary that the area around the eyes doesn’t show any damage or redness and the patient is completely healthy. Restrictions prior to surgery also include past infectious diseases.

    After the procedure

    Laser eyelid surgery can cause redness in the treated areas, other side effects may include minor swelling, excessive eye watering, occasionally slight pressure on the eyes or a foreign object in the eyes, which disappear after a few days or weeks. Otherwise, the procedure is well tolerated; minor redness can easily be hidden by make-up. In case of dry eyes you can use eye drops, cold compresses for swelling, analgesics for pain.

    It‘s appropriate to sleep in an elevated position at the beginning. 7 days sick leave is recommended, after this time you should come for a check-up.

    It’s important to avoid sports or excessive physical strain for at least 3 weeks, to maintain a resting regime for at least a week, don’t expose your eyes to strain, such as a computer or TV, don’t overload your eyes with prolonged reading and avoid sunbathing for the same period of time.

    The eyes tend to be more sensitive after the procedure, so you should wear dark sunglasses for a few days and grease the eyes with top-quality high-level UV protection creams, or possibly use antiseptic eye drops for about 3 days. After healing, fine pressure massages can be performed on the treated areas. Participating in sports is only allowed after one month.

    Convalescence after eyelid surgery is individual, depending on the patient’s healing capability, correct observance of instructions for the post-surgery period and reduction of unnecessary eye strain. The resulting effect is apparent approximately 1-3 months after the procedure, as convalescence after the procedure gradually activates regenerative processes in the skin.

    Today, laser eyelid surgery is a relatively popular type of treatment, because it rejuvenates, strengthens and brightens facial expressions very quickly and safely. Why suffer because of unsightly bags under your eyes, why mask circles and wrinkles with expensive cosmetics, when you can gain confidence and beauty so easily? We are with you, be with us!

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