Hymenoplasty is a fast and gentle procedure to restore or reconstruct the hymen.
The hymenoplasty or the reconstruction of the hymen (virginal membrane) is no longer part of the procedures women undergo due to other religions or cultures based on the necessity of renewal of the hymen – for example, because only such a woman is valued as a woman. In many cases, rupture of or damage to the hymen, for whatever reason, is a disadvantage before entering into marriage. Some countries assume an immaculate virgin status for women before their wedding night with their husband-to-be. Then, the hymenoplasty is an essentiality for them.
At other times, the hymenoplasty is required to restore a woman’s maidenhood for psychological or social reasons. That’s why, we don’t classify it as an isolated procedure, but standard gynaecological and surgical procedures today.
The hymenoplasty is suitable for adult women coming after unwanted sexual abuse, rape or have suffered an injury during sports or in youth with subsequent damage to their hymen, suffering from psychological problems that often lead to low self-esteem or reduced self-confidence. Whatever the reason for the rupture (defloration), it’s up to a woman to decide whether or not undergo the hymenoplasty procedure.
Several decades ago, hymen restoration or hymenoplasty was absolutely unthinkable. Today, the modern surgical solution has its own justification.
Cultural and religious – undamaged hymen as a symbol of woman purity
Psychological – sexual abuse or psychological trauma
Hymen injury – during sports, masturbation or tampon insertion
Personal – new partner
The hymen forms a part of the mucous membrane in a vagina that almost or only partly covers a vaginal orifice. It has different shapes and thicknesses. Rupture often occurs after the first sexual intercourse.
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Our clients also like to use the so-called vaginal rejuvenation – vaginal tightening after giving a birth or due to age, etc. For vaginal rejuvenation, we use the premium CO2 FRAXIS gynaecological laser with the Gynolaser applicator. The laser procedure using the Gynolaser is also suitable for the treatment of stress incontinence.
Hymenoplasty takes place in total anaesthesia, which requires a 1–2 days hospitalisation period. Through surgical intervention, which takes approximately 40 minutes, the vaginal mucous membrane at the vaginal orifice is stitched or remnants of the damaged hymen can be stitched, which remain in the vagina as small membrane fragments. The stitches are absorbable, so it isn’t necessary to remove them
Hymenoplasty is a fast and gentle procedure to restore or reconstruct the hymen. Since it’s performed under general anaesthesia, preoperative examinations are always required; the acetylsalicylic acid-based medications need to be discontinued about 2 weeks prior the treatment.
In the first 24 hours, the patient may feel pain, but it soon disappears. Hymenoplasty requires hospitalisation and sexual absence until completely healed, which takes approximately 4–6 weeks after the procedure; the restriction consists of a 2-day rest regime, after which the patient can start work. Sports activities aren’t advisable for approximately 14 days, then the patient may continue with her day-to-day routine. Cycling, horseback riding, sauna and the swimming pool aren’t recommended for 3–4 days after the procedure, on the other hand, showering and increased genital hygiene after urinating is advisable.
The resulting effect is the restoration (closure) of the hymen, the maximum visible effect and the strengthening is stabilised after about 3 weeks.
Nowadays, modern methods of rejuvenation and genital modification offer a gentle solution for every woman. Hymenoplasty is no longer taboo; it’s a procedure that doesn’t have to be kept under the lid. If a ruptured hymen is unacceptable for you and you appreciate your virginity, put away your shame and undergo a simple hymenoplasty procedure.
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