Breast reduction or a reduction of breasts that are too big is both an aesthetic and a health problem in many cases. Big breasts often cause poor body positioning and overburdening the body, problems with the spine (both cervical, thoracic and back spine) including twitching, which result in frequent headaches, sometimes affecting breathing, swollen feet, which affects both health and psyche of a woman.
Breast reduction or a reduction of breasts that are too big is both an aesthetic and a health problem in many cases. Female breasts have been a symbol of female beauty from time immemorial. Often, women aren’t satisfied with their breasts, mostly their size, so they undergo breast enlargement. The opposite pole is represented by women, who suffer from heavy, unshapely breasts, as a result of considerable weight loss, repeated births or genetic disposition; the cause may also stem from aging, loss of elasticity and a significant dropping of the breasts. Breast reduction is also often sought after by young women, who are struggling with their large breasts because of excessive mammary gland formation and for example, are bothered by them during sports or because the breasts have a disproportionate symmetry.
Breast reduction effectively removes and reduces excess skin, breast and fat tissue in the breast area. The procedure includes modelling the remaining breast volume. In several cases, breast reduction has a preventative character and eliminates emergence of many health problems.
Big breasts often cause poor body positioning and overburdening the body, problems with the spine (both cervical, thoracic and back spine) including twitching, which result in frequent headaches, sometimes affecting breathing, swollen feet, which affects both health and psyche of a woman. The areas beneath large breasts (lines under the breasts) are also prone to formation of inflammatory processes, infections or eczemas. However, all these problems can be eliminated and an improvement in the quality of life can occur only after breast reduction.
Breast reduction is done for adult patients; it can only be done for younger ones in rare cases, when there is a threat of serious medical problems.
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Breast reduction greatly affects health, improves the psyche, improves the appearance of the breasts, removes overhangs and helps to resolve unsightly deviations by creating acceptable breasts.
At the Premier Clinic, we only have premium equipment. We are the only clinic in the Czech Republic, who use the unique German-made HEYER anaesthesia unit, which allows for fully digital anaesthesia administration. Therefore, all of our anaesthesia is performed using the so-called low-flow anaesthesia with premium anaesthetic gas. It means that waking up is far easier for the client and the unpleasant effects of anaesthesia are virtually eliminated.
Breast reduction is performed in general anaesthesia for approximately 2-3 hours. The incisions are made in predetermined and pre-drawn areas, the procedure includes removal of excess drooping skin wall, excess fatty tissue and part of the mammary gland. The breasts are reshaped, the areola is relocated and its size is adjusted as necessary, and then all wounds are surgically sutured with internal absorbable stitches. These, among others, have the ability to strengthen the scar, so that it can heal properly.
Breast reduction is done so that incisions intersect the surroundings of the areola, continue from the centre of the areola downwards and form a small line below the breasts, which resembles a little anchor, so that the scars are as invisible as possible. Drains are inserted into the treated area for the purpose of better blood drainage and tissue liquids for 24-48 hours and to provide a supportive tool for faster healing, eliminating inflammatory processes, etc. The treated part is disinfected and covered with sterile absorbent gauze. After breast reduction, the patient receives an elastic bandage or compression garment around the chest and is hospitalised as necessary for 1-2 days, then the drains are removed and the patient goes home with doctor’s instructions for home care.
Breast reduction is an invasive surgical procedure, for which only healthy patients are admitted. Breast reduction must be preceded by pre-surgery examination, moreover, mammography or ultrasound breast examination is recommended in case of older women. We recommend discontinuing medications, which may cause increased bleeding (acetylsalicylic acid drugs such as Anopyrin, Acylpyrin, etc.) approximately 2-3 weeks before surgery. It’s also desirable to limit smoking before and after the procedure.
Breast reduction is usually done in women, who already breastfed, about 6 months after termination of breastfeeding.
After the breast reduction procedure, the treated areas may be painful with swelling, bruising, which will disappear within a few days. Breast reduction requires hospitalisation for 1-2 days, after which drains are removed and the patient goes home with compression underwear. The patient then continues to visit for dressings to be changed as agreed with the doctor. Post-surgery care is very important after a breast reduction, including a 2-week rest mode with sick leave and wearing elastic underwear for approximately 2 months. Wearing the underwear eliminates swelling, improves breast shaping and healing. All stitches are absorbable, without the need for removal. To eliminate the scars, it’s advisable to start gentle pressure massages and to lubricate with good moisturising creams around 14 days after surgery. If some scars stay, they will fade over the course of six months. Moreover, excessive physical stress isn’t recommended for 2 months after the procedure, and it’s preferable to take a shower rather than a bath.
The resulting effect is long lasting, but it also depends on the skin quality and elasticity, individual healing capability and proper post-surgery care. There’s no need to repeat the procedure, if you maintain a constant weight.
Women over 35 years of age are recommended to have regular mammographic screening.
Female breasts are and will always be the centre of attention. It’s the most discussed topic in terms of aesthetics and beauty. Those who have small breasts want big ones, those who have big breasts want small ones. It’s the same as height, when you are 160 cm, you secretly wish to be 190 cm, or vice versa. However, what’s most important is always, what is beneficial for each woman and what makes her happy. The decision is just yours, whether for aesthetic or health reasons. Don’t forget about healthy lifestyle and positive thinking.
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