MD Peter Mertan is a plastic surgeon with more than ten years of experience, who has extensive foreign experience and thousands of successful operations.
About the doctor
MD Peter Mertan is a plastic surgeon with more than ten years of experience, who has extensive foreign experience and thousands of successful operations. His specialty includes breast plastic surgery, including breast augmentation, reduction and modeling. In addition, he specializes in abdominoplasty and liposuction. He also performs facelifts, nose and eyelid operations. He is considered an expert in the field of fat transplantation and recommends lipofilling not only for breast enlargement, but also for buttocks
MD Mertan has significant international experience, including from the Institut de Cirurgía Estética Dr. Serra Renom in Barcelona and Corporacion dermoestetica in Andorra. He worked at many prestigious private clinics and currently still cooperates with the Institute of Dr. Javier de Benito in Barcelona.
He completed many professional courses both in the Czech Republic and abroad. He speaks English, Spanish and Czech fluently, and also understands Russian, Hungarian and German.
MD Peter Mertan pays great attention to personal consultations with clients. During these meetings, he carefully discusses their wishes and requirements and also evaluates the condition of the skin and other tissues. Only after a thorough examination does he recommend the most suitable procedure to achieve the best possible aesthetic results. Its goal is to maximize aesthetic benefits for clients, which can significantly improve their quality of life and self-esteem. Order a personal consultation and find out how best to take care of your beauty.
Faculty of Medicine of the Comenius University, Bratislava, SR
Certification in the field of surgery – I. degree, Prague, Czech Republic
Specialization assistance in the field of plastic surgery, Prague, Czech Republic
Foreign courses and conferences
World experts meeting, Silhouette soft, Barcelona, Spain
World experts meeting, Silhouette soft, Barcelona, Spain
Silhouette soft course, Barcelona, Spain
Silhouette soft course, Barcelona, Spain
SETGRA – a congress organized by a Spanish society focused on fat transplantation
World Congress of Hand Surgery, Budapest, Hungary
Advanced Course in Hand Surgery, Lilafured, Hungary
Book a consultation
Book a consultation with the sought-after plastic surgeon MUDr. To Peter Mertan.
Canadian Medical s.r.o., secondary physician
RFE/RL office – occupational medical services and work of a general practitioner; Canadian Medical s.r.o. office AFI and Park – specialist in internal medicine and nephrology
own private plastic surgeon practice
clinic YES VISAGE, Prague
clinic FORMÉ, Prague
WB Aesthetics, s.r.o., Planá near Mariánské Lázně
since 2011
collaboration with the Instituto de Dr. Javier de Benito, Barcelona, Spain
Corporacion dermoestetica, Andorra
Institute of Aesthetic Surgery Dr. Serra Renom, Hospital Quirón, Barcelona, Spain
Clinic of plastic surgery FNKV, Prague, Czech Republic
FNKV Surgical Clinic, Prague, Czech Republic
FNKV Burns Clinic, Prague, Czech Republic
Department of Hand Surgery, State Traumatology Institute, Budapest, Hungary
Orthopedic and Traumatology Clinic of Jesenius University, Martin, SR
Or call the phone at any time
+420 273 136 126
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