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Doctor of dermatology specializing in botulinum toxin application, laser treatments and dermatovenerological procedures.

About the doctor


Doctor of dermatology specializing in botulinum toxin application, laser treatments and dermatovenerological procedures. Her work experience includes many years of practice at the Bulovka Hospital, where she focused on dermatology and skin tumours. She is a member of the European Academy of Dermatology and has published extensively throughout her practice.

Photos before and after surgery


2005 – 2012 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, General Medicine
2017 specialisation in dermatovenerology


Entrust yourself to the hands of MUDr. Martina Krásová Ph.D. and book a non-binding consultation at Premier Clinic.

Previous practice

2009 – 2010 Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany
2011 Volunteer at Gorkha Municipal Hospital, Nepal
2012 – present Doctor of the Dermatovenerology Clinic of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and the Hospital Na Bulovce
2012 – present academic staff member of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague
2012 – 2016 postgraduate student of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, thesis title: Risk of malignant neoplasms in kidney transplant recipients: association between transplantation and incidence of skin tumours
2012 – 2014 researcher of the grant project Internal Grant Agency of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic NT 13275, project name: Risk factors of psoriasis comorbidities usable in secondary prevention
2013 – 2015 researcher of the grant project Internal Grant Agency of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic NT 14203, project name: Incidence of neoplasms in patients after heart transplantation – identification of significant factors for use in secondary prevention
2015 – 2018 Investigator of the grant project Agency for Health Research of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic No. 15-26779A, project title: Incidence of skin tumours in kidney transplant recipients at the Transplantation Centre of the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM)


International Publications:

  • Dzambová, M., Sečníková, Z., Jiráková, A., Jůzlová, K., Viklický, O., Hošková, L., Göpfertová, D., Hercogová, J. Malignant melanoma in organ transplant recipients: incidence, outcomes and management strategies – a review of literature. Dermatol Ther. 2016; 29(1):64-8.
  • Krásová, M., Sečníková, Z., Göpfertová, D., Hercogová, J., Viklický, O., Jůzlová, K., Jiráková, A., Šmerhovský, Z. Immunosuppressive therapy in the posttransplant period and skin cancer. Dermatol Ther. 2016;29(6):433-436.
  • Sečníková, Z., Jůzlová, K., Vojáčková, N., Hošková, L., Kazakov, D., Fialová, J., Dzambová, M., Hercogová J. The rare case of Alternaria alternata cutaneous and pulmonary infection in a heart transplant recipient treated by azole antifungals. Dermatol Ther. 2014; 27(3):140-3.
  • Rob, F., Fialová, J., Brejchová, M., Dzambová, M., Sečníková, Z., Zelenková, D., Jiráková, A., Hercogová, J. Drug fever as an adverse effect of acitretin in a complicated psoriasis patient. Dermatol Ther. 2015; 28(6):366-8.
  • Sečníková, Z., Göpfertová, D., Hošková, L., Hercogová, J., Dzambová, M., Jiráková, A., Rajská, L., Rob, F., Šmerhovský, Z. Significantly higher incidence of skin cancer than other malignancies in patients after heart transplantation. A retrospective cohort study in the Czech Republic. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2015; 159(4):648-51.
  • Jiráková, A., Rajská, L., Rob, F., Dzambová, M., Sečníková, Z., Göpfertová, D., Schwartz, M., Smith, F., Lotti, T., Hercogová, J. First case of pachyonychia congenita in the Czech Republic. Dermatol Ther. 2015; 28(1):10-2.
  • Jiráková, A., Rob, F., Sečníková, Z., Koblová, K., Dzambová, M., Rajská, L., Göpfertová, D., Pellacani, G., Malý, M., Lotti, T., Hercogová, J. Topical corticosteroids but not calcineurin inhibitors induce atrophy after four weeks. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2015; 29(3):701-6.
  • Juzlová, K., Votrubova, J., Dzambova, M., Gopfertova, D., Hercogova, J., Smerhovsky, Z. Gastrointestinal comorbidities in patients with psoriasis in the Czech Republic: The results of 189 patients with psoriasis and 378 controls. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2016;160(1):100-5.
  • Dzambova, M., Juzlová, K., Secnikova, Z., Gopfertova, D., Smerhovsky, Z., Viklicky, O., Hercogova, J. Incidence of skin cancer in the Czech renal transplant population. J Invest Dermatol. 2014, vol. 134, 41.
  • Juzlová, K., Dzambova, M., Votrubova, J., Smerhovsky, Z., Fialova, J., Gopfertova, D., Hercogova, J. Comorbidities in Patients with Psoriasis: New Results – Study on 400 Czech Patients. J Invest Dermatol. 2014, vol. 134, 40.
  • Secnikova, Z., Dzambova, M., Gopfertova, D., Smerhovsky, Z., Viklicky, O., Hercogova, J. Incidence of malignancies in heart transplant recipients. The retrospective cohort study in Czech Republic. J Invest Dermatol. 2014, vol. 134, 41.

National Publications:

  • Dzambová, M., Fialová, J., Hercogová, J. Instrumentarium and Suturing Materials in Dermatologic Surgery. Čes Dermatovenerol. 2013; 3(3):158-159.
  • Dzambová, M., Sečníková, Z., Hercogová, J. Hereditary Ichthyoses. Čes Dermatovenerol. 2013; 3(4):217-20.
  • Dzambová, M., Sečníková, Z., Zelenková, D., Fialová, J., Hercogová, J. Eczema and Dermatitis Herpetiformis Duhring. Čes Dermatovenerol. 2013; 3(4):258-60.
  • Dzambová, M., Sečníková, Z., Hercogová, J. Hereditary Ichthyoses. Postgraduate Medicine. 2014; 16(1):58-62.
  • Dzambová, M., Fialová, J., Hercogová, J. Risks and Complications of Procedures in Corrective Dermatology, Dermatologic Surgery, Bleeding and Hemostasis. Čes Dermatovenerol 2014;4(2):84-87.
  • Dzambová, M., Sečníková, Z., Rob, F., Jůzlová, K., Hercogová, J. Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Čes Dermatovenerol. 2015; 5(1):7-18.
  • Dzambová, M., Sečníková, Z., Vojáčková, N., Hercogová, J. Melanoma in Patients after Organ Transplantations – Incidence, Prognosis and Treatment Approach. Čes Dermatovenerol. 2015; 5(1):19-22.
  • Krásová, M., Sečníková, Z., Jůzlová, K., Hercogová, J. Localized Scleroderma. Čes Dermatovenerol. 2016; 6(1):14-22.
  • Krásová, M., Sečníková, Z., Göpfertová, D., Šmerhovský, Z., Viklický, O., Jůzlová, K., Koblová, K., Zelenková, D., Hercogová, J. Skin Tumors in Patients after Kidney Transplantation. Results of a Study on a Sample of 797 Patients from the IKEM Transplant Center. Recommendations for Monitoring Patients after Kidney Transplantation in the Czech Republic. Čes Dermatovenerol. 2018; 8(1):36-46.
  • Sečníková, Z., Dzambová, M., Vojáčková, N., Rajská, L., Hercogová, J. Skin Diseases in Post-Transplant Patients. Čes Dermatovenerol. 2012; 2(4):244-249.
  • Sečníková, Z., Dzambová, M., Vojáčková, N., Hercogová, J. Organ Transplantation and Skin Complications. Medicine and Art. 2013;25:12-13.
  • Rajská, L., Rob, F., Sečníková, Z., Dzambová, M., Zelenková, D., Jiráková, A., Vojáčková, N., Hercogová, J. Sudden Eruption of Multiple Wartles. Čes Dermatovenerol. 2013; 3(2):115-118.
  • Sečníková, Z., Dzambová, M. Basosquamous Carcinoma. Čes Dermatovenerol 2014,4(2):76-83.
  • Sečníková, Z., Dzambová, M., Hercogová, J. The Role of Viruses, UV Radiation, and Immunosuppression in the Pathogenesis of Skin Tumors in Organ Transplant Patients. Čes Dermatovenerol 2014; 4(2):88-93.
  • Svobodová, K., Krásová, M., Hercogová, J. Multiple Lesions of Molluscum in an Immunosuppressed Patient after Kidney Transplantation. Čes Dermatovenerol. 2018; 8(3):192-194.

Chapters in Publications:

  • Krásová, M. Ichthyosis. In: Hercogová J. et al. Clinical Dermatovenerology. Volume 1. Prague: Mladá fronta, 2019, pp. 318-325. ISBN: 978-80-204-5321-1.
  • Krásová, M. Morphea. In: Hercogová J. et al. Clinical Dermatovenerology. Volume 1. Prague: Mladá fronta, 2019, pp. 401-408. ISBN: 978-80-204-5321-1.
  • Krásová, M. Spinocellular Carcinoma. In: Hercogová J. et al. Clinical Dermatovenerology. Volume 1. Prague: Mladá fronta, 2019, pp. 695-703. ISBN: 978-80-204-5321-1.
  • Hercogová, J., Krásová, M. Epithelial Precancers. In: Hercogová J. et al. Clinical Dermatovenerology. Volume 1. Prague: Mladá fronta, 2019, pp. 688-694. ISBN: 978-80-204-5321-1.


  • Brno Dermatological Day of Antonín Trýba, Brno, 07.12.2012, poster presentation. Sečníková Z., Dzambová M., Göpfertová D., Šmerhovský Z., Hercogová J. Skin Tumors in Heart Transplant Patients. Pilot Study on a Sample of 467 Patients.
  • Prague Case Study Seminar, Dermatovenerological Clinic 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University and University Hospital Brno, Prague, 06.02.2013, lecture. Dzambová M., Sečníková Z., Fialová J., Vojáčková N., Hercogová J. Eczema or Bullous Disease?
  • Scientific Conference 2nd Faculty of Medicine Charles University, Prague, 24–25.04.2013, poster presentation. Sečníková Z., Dzambová M., Göpfertová D., Šmerhovský Z., Hercogová J. Skin Tumors in Heart Transplant Patients. Pilot Study on a Sample of 467 Patients.
  • 10th EADV Spring Symposium, Krakow, 23-26.05.2013, poster presentation. Sečníková Z., Jůzlová K., Vojáčková N., Hošková L., Dzambová M., Hercogová J. Alternaria alternata Skin Infection in a Heart Transplant Recipient.
  • 13th Annual Meeting SCOPE, Gdansk, 06-08.06.2013, poster presentation. Dzambová M., Sečníková Z., Fialová J., Rob F., Brejchová M., Vojáčková N., Hercogová J. Simultaneous Eruption of Multiple Seborrheic Keratoses and Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers in a 61-Year-Old Renal Transplant Recipient: A Case Report.
  • 13th Annual Meeting SCOPE, Gdansk, 06-08.06.2013, poster presentation. Sečníková Z., Dzambová M., Göpfertová D., Šmerhovský Z., Hercogová J. Skin Cancer in a Cohort of Living Patients Following Heart Transplantation in Czech Republic. The First Study in Czech Republic.
  • National Dermatological Congress, Brno, 18-19.10.2013, lecture. Dzambová M., Sečníková Z., Fialová J., Vojáčková N., Hercogová J. Eczema or Bullous Disease?
  • Prague Case Study Seminar, Dermatovenerological Clinic 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University and University Hospital Brno, Prague, 12.02.2014, lecture. Dzambová M., Sečníková Z., Fialová J., Vojáčková N., Hercogová J. Skin Complications as Adverse Effects of Immunosuppressive Therapy after Kidney Transplantation.
  • International Dermatovenerological Congress, Brno, 14-15.03.2014, lecture. Dzambová M., Sečníková Z., Göpfertová D., Šmerhovský Z., Viklický O., Hercogová J. Skin Tumors in Kidney Transplant Recipients at the Transplant Center of the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM) Prague.
  • Trainee Course – Skin in Organ Transplant Recipients, Zurich, 03-05.04.2014, lecture. Dzambová M., Sečníková Z., Fialová J., Vojáčková N., Hercogová J. Acne-like Dermatitis in a Renal Transplant Recipient.
  • Scientific Conference 2nd Faculty of Medicine Charles University, Prague, 09-10.04.2014, poster presentation. Dzambová M., Sečníková Z., Göpfertová D., Šmerhovský Z., Viklický O., Hercogová J. Skin Tumors in Kidney Transplant Recipients at the Transplant Center of the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKEM). Results of a Pilot Prospective Cohort Study on a Sample of 190 Patients.
  • National Dermatological Congress, Prague, 11-12.04.2014, lecture. Dzambová M., Sečníková Z., Fialová J., Vojáčková N., Hercogová J. Side Effect of Sirolimus in a Kidney Transplant Patient.
  • 14th Annual Meeting SCOPE, Leiden, 15-18.05.2014, poster presentation. Dzambová M., Sečníková Z., Göpfertová D., Šmerhovský Z., Viklický O., Hercogová J. Incidence of Skin Cancer in Renal Transplant Recipients at the Transplant Center in the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • 44th Annual ESDR Meeting, Copenhagen, 10-13.09.2014, poster presentation. Dzambová M., Sečníková Z., Göpfertová D., Šmerhovský Z., Viklický O., Hercogová J. Incidence of Skin Cancer in the Czech Renal Transplant Population.
  • 23rd EADV Congress, Amsterdam, 8-12.10.2014, poster presentation. Dzambová M., Sečníková Z., Göpfertová D., Šmerhovský Z., Viklický O., Hercogová J. Posttransplant Malignancies in the Czech Renal Transplant Population – A Single Center Experience.
  • 12th EADV Spring Symposium, Valencia, 05-08.03.2015, poster presentation. Dzambová, M., Sečníková Z., Göpfertová D., Šmerhovský Z., Viklický O., Hercogová J. Incidence of Skin Cancer after Kidney Transplantation. The Prospective Cohort Study in the Czech Republic: New Results.
  • 15th Annual Meeting SCOPE, Vienna, 09-12.04.2015, poster presentation. Dzambová M., Sečníková Z., Göpfertová D., Šmerhovský Z., Viklický O., Hercogová J. Incidence of Skin Cancer in the Czech Renal Transplant Population: New Results of a Single Center Prospective Study.
  • National Congress on Rare Skin Diseases, Prague, 17-18.04.2015, lecture. Dzambová M., Sečníková Z., Fialová J., Zelenková, D., Hercogová J. Dermatitis Herpetiformis.
  • Scientific Conference 2nd Faculty of Medicine Charles University, Prague, 22-23.04.2015, poster presentation. Dzambová M., Sečníková Z., Göpfertová D., Šmerhovský Z., Viklický O., Hercogová J. Incidence of Skin Tumors in Kidney Transplant Patients in the Czech Republic: Prospective Cohort Study.
  • National Dermatological Congress, Brno, 13-14.11.2015, lecture. Krásová M., Fialová J., Sečníková Z., Zelenková D., Hercogová J. Multiple Skin Tumors in a Kidney Transplant Patient.
  • Prague Case Study Seminar, Dermatovenerological Clinic 2nd Faculty of Medicine Charles University and National Institute of Mental Health, Prague, 02.12.2015, lecture. Krásová M., Fialová J., Sečníková Z., Zelenková D., Hercogová J. Multiple Skin Tumors in a Kidney Transplant Patient.
  • Congress of the Society for Organ Transplantation ČLS JEP, Špindlerův Mlýn, 31.3-02.4.2016, poster presentation. Krásová M., Sečníková Z., Göpfertová D., Hercogová J., Viklický O., Šmerhovský Z. Incidence of Skin Tumors in Kidney Transplant Patients in the Czech Republic.
  • Scientific Conference 2nd Faculty of Medicine Charles University, Prague, 20-21.04.2016, poster presentation. Krásová M., Sečníková Z., Göpfertová D., Hercogová J., Viklický O., Šmerhovský Z. Incidence of Skin Tumors and Other Malignant Diseases in Kidney Transplant Patients in the Czech Republic: Preliminary Results of a Cohort Study.
  • National Dermatological Congress, Prague, 22-23.04.2016, lecture. Krásová M., Zelenková D., Jůzlová K., Rob F., Nagy Z., Brejchová M., Sečníková Z., Hercogová J. Pyoderma Gangrenosum in a Kidney Transplant Patient.
  • 13th EADV Spring Symposium, Athens, 19-22.05.2016, poster presentation. Krásová M., Sečníková Z., Göpfertová D., Šmerhovský Z., Viklický O., Hercogová J. Skin Cancer after Kidney Transplantation in the Czech Republic – New Results of a Single Center Prospective Study.
  • 25th EADV Congress, Vienna, 28.09–02.10.2016, poster presentation. Krásová M., Sečníková Z., Göpfertová D., Hercogová J., Viklický O., Šmerhovský Z. Skin Cancer and Other Malignancies in the Czech Renal Transplant Population: Preliminary Results of a Single Center Study.
  • 14th EADV Spring Symposium, Brussels, 23-28.05.2017, poster presentation. Krásová M., Sečníková Z., Koblová K., Jůzlová K., Göpfertová D., Hercogová J., Viklický O., Šmerhovský Z. Significantly Higher Incidence of Skin Cancer than Other Malignancies in Patients after Kidney Transplantation: A Single Center Study in the Czech Republic.
  • 26th EADV Congress, Geneva, 13-17.09.2017, poster presentation. Krásová M., Koblová K., Jůzlová K., Rob F., Göpfertová D., Hercogová J., Viklický O., Šmerhovský Z. Incidence of Skin Cancer and Distribution of Risk Factors in Renal Transplant Recipients of a Single Transplant Center.
  • National Dermatological Congress, Brno, 24-25.11.2017, lecture. Hercogová J., Sečníková Z., Krásová M., Rob F., Zelenková D., Kubátová A., Koblová K. Dermatology and Transplant Programs.
  • National Dermatological Congress, Prague, 18–19.05.2018, poster presentation. Koblová K., Sečníková Z., Krásová M., Göpfertová D., Šmerhovský Z., Hercogová J. Incidence of Skin Neoplasms in the Cohort of Liver Transplant Patients in the Czech Republic.
  • Scientific Conference 2nd Faculty of Medicine Charles University, Prague, 25–26.04.2018, poster presentation. Koblová K., Sečníková Z., Krásová M., Göpfertová D., Šmerhovský Z., Hercogová J. Incidence of Skin Neoplasms in the Cohort of Liver Transplant Patients in the Czech Republic.
  • Professional Seminar Derma Akademie, 04.10.2019, lecture: Non-Melanoma Skin Tumors.

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