MD Libor Kment, with more than 20 years of experience, ranks among the most sought-after plastic surgeons in the Czech Republic.
About the doctor
MD Libor Kment has been working as a plastic surgeon since 2003.
Thanks to his rich experience and empathic approach, he ranks among the most sought-after experts in the field of plastic surgery, not only in the Czech Republic, but also abroad.
He regularly participates in Czech and international congresses and seminars focused on plastic and aesthetic surgery.
During his career, he has helped thousands of women achieve their dreams of a perfect bust through various methods such as breast augmentation, modeling or reduction. In addition, she often corrects breast asymmetries or deformities, whether congenital or caused by injuries, diseases or other operations.
He gained great experience thanks to more than twenty years of experience at the Clinic of Plastic Surgery at Bulovce Hospital, where he specialized in breast surgery and reconstruction for women with various diseases.
MD Libor Kment graduated from the 3rd medical faculty of Charles University in Prague and began his career as a plastic surgeon in 1999. He has completed a number of professional internships at prestigious workplaces in the Czech Republic and abroad. For example, he gathered valuable experience at the University of California in San Diego and at the Mexicali Hospital in Mexico.
Between 2007 and 2011, he worked as deputy head of the Department of Plastic Surgery at the Na Bulovce University Hospital. From 1999, he was an assistant professor at the First Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Prague. He is a member of a team providing comprehensive surgical care for women with breast disease and has extensive publishing work behind him.
As a recognized expert in the field of plastic and aesthetic surgery, he is often invited to professional conferences and seminars and gives interviews to various media. During his practice, he performed more than 500 nose operations (rhinoplasty), 900 liposuctions and hundreds of abdominal operations, helping many women restore their figure after pregnancy. Thanks to facial surgeries, facelifts and eyelid surgeries, he contributed to the rejuvenation of thousands of patients.
His experience also includes helping men with gynecomastia and women with external genitalia modifications.
2010–2024 – Deputy head physician and co-owner of the Esthé clinic
2007–2011 – Deputy head of the Department of Plastic Surgery at the Na Bulovce University Hospital.
1999–2012 – Assistant Professor of the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague
Team member of the Center for Comprehensive Surgical Care for Women with Breast Diseases
Doctor at the Clinic of Plastic Surgery at Bulovka Hospital since 1999
Or call the phone at any time
+420 273 136 126
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