MD Jana Eftimovská has been dedicated to antiaging and aesthetic dermatology for over 30 years. He has extensive experience with non-invasive rejuvenation methods, the application of injectable fillers and the modeling of facial contours. She is also a recognized specialist in device rejuvenation and corrective dermatology.
About the doctor
MD Jana Eftimovská has been dedicated to antiaging and aesthetic dermatology for over 30 years. He has extensive experience with non-invasive rejuvenation methods, the application of injectable fillers and the modeling of facial contours. She is also a recognized specialist in device rejuvenation and corrective dermatology.
MD Jana Eftimovská has been dedicated to antiaging and aesthetic dermatology for over 30 years. He has extensive experience with non-invasive rejuvenation methods, the application of injectable fillers and the modeling of facial contours. She is also a recognized specialist in device rejuvenation and corrective dermatology.
MD Eftimovská brought to the Czech Republic an innovative method from the field of aesthetic medicine, originally from the USA, in the form of 100% natural Algeness dermal fillers. These fillings are made from agar (agarose) obtained from red algae of the genera Floridae and Gelidium and, unlike other fillings, are not chemically stabilized. It is therefore a natural substance which, thanks to its gelling ability, enables the modeling of facial parts without material migration. When used correctly, this method is safe and does not cause unwanted long-term effects such as lumps or asymmetry that can occur with conventional fillers.
MD Eftimovská is also the only instructor of the method of fat injection removal, known as biological liposuction, in the Czech Republic. She learned this revolutionary technique, which does not require surgery and can completely and gently remove entire fat cells, in Italy, where the method was discovered.
She is also a trainer in the application of Regenyal hyaluronic fillers.
Since the 1990s, MUDr. Jana Eftimovská specializes in antiaging and aesthetic dermatology. He has extensive experience with non-invasive rejuvenation methods, the application of injectable fillers and the modeling of facial contours. She is also a recognized specialist in device rejuvenation and corrective dermatology.
The Premier Clinic offers a wide range of aesthetic procedures and procedures, including sagging skin lifting, anti-aging, minimally invasive and non-surgical rejuvenation applications, wrinkle removal, injectable fillers, non-surgical chin, nose, eyebrow, neck and eyelid treatments. The clinic also provides injection removal of the chin, fat on the thighs, abdomen, knees and cheeks, as well as stimulation of collagen production in the décolletage, face and neck.
MD Eftimovská constantly educates herself on professional internships at prestigious foreign workplaces and participates in conferences, workshops and courses in the Czech Republic and abroad, such as the USA, France, Italy, Germany, Austria and Poland.
He repeatedly participates in the prestigious International Master Course on Aging Skin in Paris, where the latest world trends in antiaging are presented, which he then applies in practice at the Premier Clinic. She also completed courses in microanatomy and application techniques in Bologna, Paris and Amman.
MD Jana Eftimovská graduated from the Faculty of General Medicine of the Charles University in Prague and the Faculty of General Medicine of the University of Warsaw. In 1984, she received certification in the field of dermatovenerology and became the first doctor in the Czech Republic to receive certification for all DEKA surgical and high-power lasers and trainer accreditation.
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+420 273 136 126
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