He is an excellent plastic surgeon with over 19 years of experience, working at the Faculty Hospital in Ostrava. Dr. Zoltan Tamas specializes in a wide range of procedures, from addressing developmental facial defects in children and reconstructions after injuries to cosmetic plastic surgery.
About the doctor
He is an excellent plastic surgeon with over 19 years of experience, working at the Faculty Hospital in Ostrava. Dr. Zoltan Tamas specializes in a wide range of procedures, from addressing developmental facial defects in children and reconstructions after injuries to cosmetic plastic surgery.
Within Premier Clinic, he focuses on aesthetic procedures of the face and body and is an expert in eyelid plastic surgery, breast modeling, abdominoplasty, liposuction, and other extensive surgeries.
His results are excellent with minimal complications.
“My main goal is to do no harm to the patient, therefore I always proceed with caution and according to a clear plan. I strive to minimize the risk of complications and achieve the most natural results possible.”
Schedule a consultation.
He is an excellent plastic surgeon with over 19 years of experience. Schedule a consultation.
2012–Present – Plastic Surgeon at the Plastic Surgery Department in Orlová
2006–Present – Plastic Surgeon at the Faculty Hospital in Ostrava (Center for Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery)
2003–2006 – Physician in the Surgical Department at IN Boskovice
2005 – Internship in Plastic Surgery at Sanus Hradec Králové
2008–2010 – Internships at the Plastic Surgery Clinic of FNKV in Prague and the Plastic Surgery Clinic in Brno
Or call the phone at any time
+420 273 136 126
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