MUDr. Martin Chorvát is a certified plastic surgeon who performs esthetic surgeries on Premier Clinic and also on national hospital Královské Vinohrady. He performs a wide range of plastic and aesthetic surgery, and also deals with hand surgery and reconstructive surgery. MUDr. Martin Chorvát teaches future physicians at the Charles University 3rd Faculty of Medicine. His medical career started at the Department of Plastic Surgery of T. Baťa Regional Hospital in Zlín, where he gained valuable experience in the field of traumatology. She currently lives and works in Prague.
About the doctor
MUDr. Martin Chorvát is a certified plastic surgeon who performs esthetic surgeries on Premier Clinic and also on national hospital Královské Vinohrady. He performs a wide range of plastic and aesthetic surgery, and also deals with hand surgery and reconstructive surgery. MUDr. Martin Chorvát teaches future physicians at the Charles University 3rd Faculty of Medicine. His medical career started at the Department of Plastic Surgery of T. Baťa Regional Hospital in Zlín, where he gained valuable experience in the field of traumatology. She currently lives and works in Prague.
2004 – 2010 – Medical Faculty of Palacký University in Olomouc
2010 – 2014 – Department of Plastic Surgery and Traumatology KNTB a.s. Zlín
2014 – to date – Clinic of Plastic Surgery Královské Vinohrady FNKV, 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Prague
2018 – to date – plastic surgeon at Premier clinic, Prague
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+420 273 136 126
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