Experienced certified plastic surgeon with years of experience in plastic surgery. MUDr. Igor Slaninka performs a full spectrum of aesthetic procedures from breast augmentation, lipotransfer, liposuction and much more.
About the doctor
Experienced topclass certified plastic surgeon with years of experience in plastic surgery. MUDr. Igor Slaninka performs a full spectrum of aesthetic procedures from breast augmentation, lipotransfer, liposuction and much more.
2019 – present Plastic Surgery Clinic, Pardubice Regional Hospital
2014 – present Head physician, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Surgical Clinic of the Pardubice University Hospital
2008 – 2019 External Physician, Department of Emergency Medicine, FNHK 2007 – present Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Surgery, Charles University Hospital
2007 – 2013 Secondary physician, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Surgical Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Surgery of the National University of Health Sciences,
2006 – 2007 Secondary physician, Hospital Kutná Hora s.r.o., Department of Surgery
2003 (August) Department of Cardiac Surgery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2004 (June-September) Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Mayo Clinic, USA
2010 (April) Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Gratz, Austria
2012 (February) Burn Center, Pittsburgh, USA
2014 Breast Augmentation and Reconstruction, Cannes, France
2015 Breast Augmentation, Leiden, Netherlands
2015 Hand Surgery, Haiduszoboszlo, Hungary
2018 Breast reconstruction, Rome, Italy
2019 Breast Augmentation, Garda, Italy
Paral J, Slaninka I, Kalabova H, Hadzi-Nikolov D. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors: review on morphology, molecular pathology, diagnostics, prognosis and treatment options. Acta Gastroenterol Belg. 2010; 73: 349-359.
Laco J, Slaninka I, Jirásek M, Celakovský P, Vosmiková H, Ryska A. High-risk human papillomavirus infection and p16INK4a protein expression in laryngeal lesions. Pathol Res Pract. 2008; 204: 545-52.
Publications in peer-reviewed journals:
Slaninka I, Klein L, Stork R, Hošek F, Guňka I, Šedivý O, Jiška S, Kaška M. Optimization of treatment procedure for trophic shin defect – pilot study of surgical method, Rozhl Chir. 2015; 94: 69-73.
Slaninka I., Klein L., Hošek F., Hasenöhrlová L., Jíška S., Kaška M. Utilization of platelet-rich plasma in healing wounds – some findings and first experiences. Wound healing. 2013; 7: 25-27.
Slaninka I, Klein L, Kaška M, Oberreiter M., Čáp R., Hasenöhrlová L., Hošek F., Mrázová R. Current possibilities of healing chronic wounds. Wound healing. 2011; 5: 21–24.
Slaninka I, Páral J, Chobola M, Motycka V, Ferko A, Bláha V. Peritonitis caused by perforation of the digestive tract – analysis of the gerontological group of patients. Rozhl Chir. 2009; 880: 656-661.
Slaninka I, Fibír A, Čáp R, Klein L, Hasenöhrlová L, Bajus A, Šedivý O. Reconstruction of traumatic defects of distal third of the capf with a fasciocutaneous sural flap – our experience. Acta Chirurgiae Plasticae. 2015; 57: 60-61.
Slaninka I. Report on an internship at the burns center in Pittshurgh, USA. Millitary Medical Science Letters. 2013; 82: 135-137.
Gray O, Fiber A,
Slaninka I. Anesthesia and recurrence of Malignant melanoma. Acta Chirurgiae Plasticae. 2015, 57: 62.
Slaninka I, Páral J, Chobola M. Diverticulum located on the mesenteric side of the jejunum as a cause of perforation peritonitis – case report. Rozhl Chir. 2009; 88: 577-579.
Páral J, Subrt Z, Lochman P, Ferko A, Dusek T, Slaninka I, Cecka F, Louda M, Romzová M, Jon B, Kaska M. Perioperative diagnosis of intestinal ischemia using fluorescein and ultraviolet light. Rozhl Chir. 2009; 88: 590-595.
Chapters in the book:
Slaninka I, Šmejkal K. Examination of a surgical patient. In Ferko A, Šubrt Z, Dědek T. Surgery in a nutshell. Prague: Grada Publishing; 2015. ISBN 978-80-247-1005-1.
Stork I, Bacon I. Hand injury. In Ferko A, Šubrt Z, Dědek T. Surgery in a nutshell. Prague: Grada Publishing; 2015. ISBN 978-80-247-1005-1.
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